Journal of Kanagawa Sport and Health Science
Online ISSN : 2436-7249
江口 潤田中 英登
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 48 巻 p. 49-59


The purpose of this study from the survey of soccer coaches was to clarify whether the management method corresponding to the summer heat environment in junior soccer is implemented. The subjects were 282 junior soccer coaches in Kanagawa prefecture (N=177) and in Okinawa prefecture (N=105). Questionnaire consisted of 8 items which were actual activity (activity frequency of July and August, July and August of day activity time, activity time zone of July and August), hydration (confirmation of practice at the time of the temperature environment, way of water supply, water supply products), events of heat strokes (numbers of heat stroke accidents and the coaches' actual responses), guiding principles (precautions in activities). As basic data, we collected the weather information from the Japan Meteorological Agency from fire department, and the emergency transport information from the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

In this study 70% of teams carried out their activities more than 3 days a week, and most of the durations were more than 2 hours per day. The comparison between two different heat environment areas in Kanagawa prefecture and in Okinawa prefecture showed the difference in each item.

© 2015 神奈川体育学会