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Trace and rare-earth element composition of 2480 Ma detrital zircons in Proterozoic metapsammites from northwestern Arizona

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Spencer, Jon; Doe, Michael; Domanik, Kenneth (2024). Trace and rare-earth element composition of 2480 Ma detrital zircons in Proterozoic metapsammites from northwestern Arizona [Dataset]. Dryad.


Detrital zircon grains in the ~1740-1750 Ma Vishnu Schist and similar rock units in northwestern Arizona consist of up to 30% grains dated by U-Pb isotopic analysis at 2470-2490 Ma. These zircon grains are distributed over ~40,000 km2 and define an age peak at 2480.0 ± 27.3 Ma (2SE). These grains have yielded unusually consistent 207Pb/206Pb dates, with generally smaller analytical uncertainty and greater concordance to ideal U-Pb evolution than grains of other ages. A weighted mean age of 2480 ± 0.9 Ma (2SE) for this zircon population reflects consistent analytical results and high analytical precision but not the accuracy of the age. The source of these zircons has not been identified. To better characterize the unidentified source, we analyzed 45 of these grains for trace and rare-earth elements by laser-ablation mass spectrometry and scanned 16 grains with an electron microprobe to identify mineral inclusions. Mass spectrometer determinations of Sc/Yb and Nb/Sc support derivation from an oceanic-island igneous source. Electron microprobe scans revealed quartz in 5 of 16 grains, indicating a felsic source. The low variability in 207Pb/206Pb dates and a generally linear relationship between U and Th support zircon derivation from a single igneous unit or closely related set of units without xenocrystic zircons. A literature search for other zircon populations with similar age and U/Th ratios identified ~2480 Ma zircons in a Mesoproterozoic(?) metapsammite and conglomerate in southwestern Montana. This sandstone was deposited near the margin of the Wyoming craton and contains almost entirely 2400-3600 Ma zircons, unlike zircon grains in Vishnu Schist which include a large population of 1730-1900 Ma zircons. From this relationship, we infer that the 2480 Ma zircons in both areas were derived from a source in the Wyoming craton. We conclude that the 2480 Ma Vishnu zircons were derived from a felsic batholith that formed above and from hotspot magma related to the ~2450-2480 Ma Matachewan Large Igneous Province, that this batholith formed by mixing between a mantle-derived hotspot magma and assimilated Archean continental crust, and that the source rock was emplaced during initial rifting between the Wyoming craton and the Superior province.

README: 2480 Ma zircon TREE analyses

Trace and rare-earth element analysis of 45 zircons dated at 2470-2490 Ma indicate several unusual properties of the source igneous rock, as follows: (1) The titanium content of ~2480 Ma zircons, typically ~5-25 ppm, reflects the temperature of crystallization. Calculation of crystallization temperature requires the presence of rutile, however, otherwise only a minimum temperature can be determined (Watson & Harrison, 2005; Watson et al., 2006). Titanium concentrations in the analyzed 2480 Ma zircon grains, none of which are known to contain rutile inclusions, indicate minimum crystallization temperature of ~740-800 °C, a temperature range that is more characteristic of mafic rather than felsic magmas (Fu et al., 2008). (2) The 2480 Ma zircon population in our two schist samples has large europium depletions. Thirty-seven of forty-five 2480 Ma zircon grains analyzed for rare-earth elements contain 7-16% of the Eu that would be expected given the measured concentrations of Sm and Gd, while the other 8 grains contain 20-50% of the expected Eu. If the zircons crystallized from intermediate to moderately felsic magmas, then crustal thickness was ~30-40 km during the time of magma ascent and crystallization of most of the zircons (using the calibration of Tang et al., 2020). (3) Element ratios that are most effective in identifying magma sources include U/Yb, Sc/Yb, Nb/Yb, Nb/Sc, and U/Nb. The 2480 Ma zircon grains analyzed for this study are plotted on five graphs of element ratios with fields identified for each of the three major magma sources as determined by Grimes et al. (2015; mid-ocean ridge, oceanic island, and magmatic arc). The 2480 Ma zircons are not associated with mid-ocean ridge magmas in any of the graphs, but in three graphs these zircons plot well within the field for oceanic island zircons.

Description of the data and file structure

The data table lists elements across the top. Each row are the data produced from a single laser-ablation spot on a zircon grain. Abbreviations "FC", "NIST612", "SL', "R33", "FC", and "SL" represent zircon TREE standards. Sample numbers are 20120803 (Cottonwood Cliffs) and 2-15-11-3 (Jerome Canyon). Numbers appended to sample number are analysis numbers and generally correspond to a single zircon grain.


Two samples of Paleoproterozoic psammite were collected for previous studies and the zircons in them were analyzed for U-Pb geochronology.  The grain mounts that were used for U-Pb analysis of zircons from Cottonwood Cliffs and Jerome Canyon (Doe, 2014, Colorado School of Mines, Ph.D. dissertation; Spencer et al., 2016, Geosphere) were re-used to determine the trace-element and rare-earth-element (TREE) content of 45 zircon grains that had been dated at ~2480 Ma. Analyses were conducted in 2022 at the Arizona Laserchron Center at the University of Arizona with a Photon Machines Analyte G2 laser (193 nm) connected to an Element2 multi-collector LA-ICP-MS (laser-ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometer) equipped with a Jet pump and interface (Pullen et al., 2018; Gehrels, 2020). Primary calibration standards SL and FC were analyzed intermittently during sample analyses (set-up with sequential analyses of standards FC-SL-FC-SL-FC-SL, then 5 unknowns in groups separated by FC-SL, then ending with FC-SL-FC-SL). Secondary standards R33 and NIST612 were also analyzed occasionally during sample analyses. The precision of measurements of element concentrations is <5% for a typical zircon grain (Gehrels, 2020). The expected stoichiometric concentration of Si in zircon (153,230 ppm) is shown for all zircons because this value was assumed and then used to calibrate signal intensities for all other analyzed elements (Gehrels, 2020).