Online ISSN : 2185-1352
Print ISSN : 0024-1008
ISSN-L : 0024-1008
渡辺 芳子
ジャーナル フリー

1960 年 29 巻 5-6 号 p. 200-208


Mass examination of all leprosy patients admitted to Tama Zenshoen has been conducted once a year from 1948 to 1959. All patients were photofluorographed, and cases with definite or suspi cious tuberculous findings on photofluorogram were radiographed. For active cases, medical trea tment of any kind was administered, and for inactive cases, periodical check examination was repeated at least twice a year. The results of mass examination were summarized as follows:
1. Prevalence rate of tuberculous findings, including healed lesions increased from 20.5% in 1954 to 29.4% 1959. Prevalence of active and inactive tuberculosis was 13.3% in 1948, and kept nearly the same level until 1959 (13.2%). Prevalence of active cases was 8.9% in 1954, decreased with advances in tuberculosis control, and 3.5% in 1959. Bacilli pasitive cases were decreased from 2.5% in 1954 to 0.5% in 1959.
2. Prevarence of active and inactive cases was higher among male than in female. Highest value was obtained in age group 50 to 59 from 1954 to 1956, and in age group over 60 from 1957.
3. Observing by the grade of disease, severe cases including cavitary cases decreased markedly, and slight cases relatively increased.
4. Prevalence of active and inactive cases newly admitted to Zenshoen was nearly the same to that of already admitted patients, but prevalence of active cases were very high among newly admitted cases.
5. Incidence of tuberculosis is decreasing markedly in recent years.
6. Death from tuberculosis showed marked decline since 1952. The results mentioned above show that by intensive tuberculosis control, tuberculosis in leprosy patients can be diminished remarkably, and leprosy patients will no more die of tuberculosis.

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