Down Syndrome Gender Differences in Production First and Foreign Language

  • Baan Jafar Sadiq College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Down Syndrome (DS); Gender; Production Language; First Language; Foreign Language


Many researchers have identified that most Down Syndrome children have language delays. Also, many studies have clarified the inherent difference between normal and Down syndrome children to specify the reasons behind the delay. The current study tries to answer the question is there a difference between female and male children with Down syndrome? Are females or males better at the production of a first and a foreign language? It is hypothesized that there are no differences between the two genders in the production of the first and foreign languages. The study is followed the descriptive method and it is used the questionnaire as a tool to collect the data. The questionnaire was answered by 78 parents of Down syndrome children. The results have been analyzed and it has shown that there are differences between females and males for the female in production of the first as well as the foreign language in all the ages. This results due to damage of the left hemisphere of the brain therefore the females with this Syndrome are better at producing the language than the males because the right hemisphere would take the production role instead of damaging one.

How to Cite
Sadiq, B. J. (2024). Down Syndrome Gender Differences in Production First and Foreign Language. International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 7(3), 109-116.