How Social Emotional Learning Can Be the Catalyst to Successful Global Engagement
Lynsey Mori
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-95

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Intercultural understanding is vital to solving the pressing challenges of the 21st century (Brookfield, 2019; Egan, 2008; Mori & Williams, 2021). Tolerance and understanding of diverse groups of people are achievable only through true conceptual change (Bereiter, 2002). Having a confident sense of self and commitment to the pursuit of improvement can provide the stability required in these rapidly changing times (Beyn et al., 2006). Identity is formed through interaction and interpretation and increasingly this is done in an international, global setting. Understanding the society around us, experiencing life, and competently interacting with ourselves, our neighbours, and others, can lead humanity to better global engagement (Six Seconds, n.d.). Socialemotional learning (SEL) is an umbrella term for teaching practices and ways of life that can provide the visionary reform education requires to afford the citizens of the world more fluidity between countries and success in global engagement (Birkhoff et al., 2011; Durlak et al., 2015; Humphrey et al., 2010; Six Seconds, n.d.).


global engagement, socio-emotional learning, Japanese education, educational reform


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