Understanding Oral Oncology and it's change in dynamics in Nepal

Keywords: Dental oncology, Tobacco, Treatment, Awareness, Oral squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma


With the increase in smoking habits, oral cancer is turning into a threat among smokers. It is also due to a lack of awareness among people, oral cancer is increasing rapidly. The increased rate of illiterate people in Nepal has been a reason for a change in dynamics. Due to a lack of awareness, people are diagnosed late with cancer which leads to an increased mortality rate. So, awareness is a must for the reduction of oral cancer. In most cases, surgery is the best chance. Since people in Nepal are mostly from middle-class families, it highly impacts their life. The article primarily addresses the incidence of oral cancer in Nepal. It also emphasizes the risk factors and causes of oral cancer along with its diagnosis and surgery.


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How to Cite
Shrestha A. Understanding Oral Oncology and it’s change in dynamics in Nepal. Europasian J Med Sci. [Internet]. 2021Feb.27 [cited 2024Jun.1];3(1):85-2. Available from: https://www.europasianjournals.org/ejms/index.php/ejms/article/view/190