This book examines Gandhi's idea of swaraj as an alternative to the modern concept of political authority. It also introduces the readers to Gandhi’s ideas of moral interconnectedness and empathetic pluralism. It explores the Gandhian belief that "nonviolence" as a moral and political concept is essentially the empowerment of the Other through spiritual and political realization of the self as a non-egocentric subject. Further, it highlights swaraj as an act of conscience and therefore a transformative force, essential to the harmony between spirituality and politics.

The volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of philosophy, politics, and South Asian studies.

chapter |14 pages


Experimenting with Truth: The Nobility of Spirit

chapter 1|14 pages

Politics with Conscience

Parrhesia and Maturity

chapter 2|14 pages


Empathetic Emancipation and Common Humanity

chapter 3|14 pages


Socratic Self-Examination and Nonviolent Citizenry

chapter |14 pages


Spirituality of Emancipation and the Otherness of the Other