J Korean Acad Women Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Women Health Nurs > Volume 1(1); 1995 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of Women's Health Nursing 1995;1(1):35-53.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4069/kjwhn.1995.1.1.35   
The Effect of Sex Education for High School Girls' Knowledge and Attitude related to Sex
Young Ja Kim1, Hae Kyung Lee2
1Major in Nursing Education, Graduate School of Education Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
2Nursing Department Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
The problem related to sex is closely connected with human life. It is important to acquire accurate sexual knowledge and desirable attitude specially during adolescence, in the physical, psychological and emotional changing period. This study was made to find out the high school girls' knowledge, attitude and experience related to sex, and to support the progress of sex education at school in the future. The design was nonequivalent control pretest-posttest in the quasi-experimental design. In current study, the subjects were 102 girls from the 1 st grade of girls' commercial high school. It was control group 54 and experimental group 48. To teach the experimental group, the sex education program was combined the sex education program made in Korea Education Development Institute, Information of sex education by the Ministry of Education, other concerning articles and previous studies. The research tool was a questionnaire based on the literature review. The pretest-posttest was given to the two groups. The sex education had been taken for the experimental group but not been taken for the control group. The data was collected from May 22, 1993 to July 20, 1993 and was analyzed through spsspc. The frequency, x2-test and t-test were calculated. Summarized findings from the study are as follows : groups before sex education. 1. Regarding the first hypothesis was supported as following : "The scores of sexual knowledge in the experimental group who was given sex education will be higher than those of the control group who was not given." (t=-14.11, p=.000) 2. Regarding the second hypothesis was supported as following: "The scores of the attitude toward sex in the experimental group who given sex education will be higher than those of the control group who was not given." (t=-6.15, p=.000) The result of this study suggests that it is so necessary that school nurses should teach about sex regularly at school.

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