J Korean Orthop Assoc. 1990 Aug;25(4):1134-1142. Korean.
Published online Jan 24, 2019.
Copyright © by The Korean Orthopaedic Association
Original Article

The Early diagnostic Significance of Bone Marrow Pressure in Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

Myung Chul Yoo, Yong Girl Lee, Ki Nham Nha, Dong Kee Ahb and Seung Myeon Park


    The early diagnosis of osteonecrosis of the femoral head is difficult because the radiologic change usually appears after some pregression of the disease process. The value of bone marrow pressure measurement for esily detection of the osteonecrosis has been studied by many authors. We measured bone marrow pressure in avascular femoral head and compared with patient's age, stage of osteonecrosis and radiological types. And also we measured bone marrow pressure in osteoarthritic hip. The results were following:l. In 95% of osteonecrosis of the femoral head, BMP is increased. 2. There is no correlative change between BMP and radiological stage. 3. In steroid induced osteonecrosis, BMP increase is predominent after provocative test. 4. Radiological type seems to influence more significant BMP change than radiological stage. 5. The diagnostic accuracy of the early stage of osteonecrosis of the femoral head is 97% in average. 6. Osteoarthritic hip also shows increased BMP. 7. Baseline pressure is highest in greater trochanteric area, but subchondral area shows most sensitive change. 8. The provocative pressure is lower than baseline pressure in the necrotic center of the head. The increase of the BMP of the femoral head osteonecrosis not specific butvery sensitive. But the measurement of BMP of the femoral head is very useful method for early detection of AVN of the femoral head.

    Bone marrow pressure; osteonecrosis; early diagnosis; femoral head
