Impact of Molybdenum on Heat-Treatment and Microstructure of ADI

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Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) is characterized by high tensile strength with acceptable ductility. Steel, as a large competitor to ADI, also meets the tensile and yield strength. Nevertheless, the main advantages of ADI compared to steel are the lower density (7.2 g/cm3 to 7.85 7.87 g/cm3) for weight reduction and lower manufacturing costs because of less energy consumption during the production. One of the main problems of producing ADI is the quenching process during heat treatment of thick-walled castings. The inner part of a massive casting – in contrast to the outer part – cools down more slowly, resulting in a heterogeneous microstructure with parts of pearlite and ferrite embedded in austenite before reaching the isothermal transformation temperature. Molybdenum is, besides nickel, copper and manganese, one of the possible alloying elements that postpone the transition point of ferrite and/or pearlite. To investigate the influence of molybdenum in thick-walled castings experiments with different molybdenum contents were performed. In dependence on the molybdenum content, different austenisation and ausferritisation temperatures and times are examined in order to investigate the transformation points, fraction and morphology of different phases. The mechanism of molybdenum in ADI has been investigated by means of dilatometer tests, microstructure analysis and mechanical tests.

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