Study on the Application and Comparative Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Method Based on Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data

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The three commonly used remote sensing land surface temperature retrieval methods are described, namely single-window algorithm, split window algorithm and multi-channel algorithm, which have their advantages and disadvantages. The land surface temperature (LST) of study area was retrieved with multi-source remote sensing data. LST of study area was retrieved with the split window algorithm on January 10, 2003 and November 19, 2003 which is comparatively analyzed with the LST result of ETM+ data with the single-window algorithm and the LST result of ASTER data with multi channel algorithm in the same period. The results show that land surface temperature of different land features are significantly different, where the surface temperature of urban land is the highest, and that of rivers and lakes is the lowest, followed by woodland. It is concluded that the expansion of urban green space and protection of urban water can prevent or diminish the urban heat island.

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