Microsilica as a Modifying Component in Fired Ceramics

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The principal directions in the development of construction material industry include expansion of raw material sources, quality improvement of raw materials subjected to preliminary treatment, application of modifying components, constructive and technological modernization of manufacturing process. Manufacturing of ceramic bricks is one that dominates this industry. We know that there isn’t enough conditional clay suitable for ceramics production in most East regions of Russia and West Siberia. However, in many regions there are powerful heat power plants and highly-developed metallurgical enterprises, which produce sideline products alongside with basic output. The issue of complex utilization of wastes produced by power engineering and metallurgy has not been successfully resolved yet. Slag and other silica-containing sideline products of main production have not practically been used to the full. Nevertheless, it’s necessary to note, that disperse condition of silica-containing wastes as well as their physical and chemical characteristics predetermine prospective application of silica-containing materials in ceramics.

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