
Illegible Multiculturalisms: Making, Digesting, and Translating Empanadas and Doenjang-jjigae Within Digital Monolingualism

  • Nicholas Bascuñan-Wiley (Northwestern)
  • Matthew Jungsuk Howard (Loyola)


This is an accepted article with a DOI pre-assigned that is not yet published.

In this essay, we draw parallels between the processes of cooking and writing, emphasizing our personal investment as authors and cooks. Reflecting on our experiences cooking empanadas and doenjang-jjigae, we delve into the challenges of translating multicultural food experiences into publishable forms. We develop the concept of "illegible multiculturalisms,” and center the power of remaining unidentifiable within digital monolingualism, reimagining multiculturalism pluralistically. We advocate for alternative narrative forms and more inclusive futures for publishing while recognizing the embodied nature of food practices and critiquing reliance on imperialized infrastructures in scholarly work.

Keywords: Food, Migration, Legibility, Multiculturalism, Digital Monoculturalism

Accepted on
15 May 2024
Peer Reviewed