

One of the discussed issues concerning the development of the resource base of hydrocarbons in recent years is the study of ways of involving in the development of industrial clusters associated with high carbon shale complexes that are widespread in Russia. Interest in them is supported by the system of benefits provided by the Government of the Russian Federation for low-permeability strata and special preferential conditions for conducting geological exploration provided in recent years. An important effect was also achieved by the development of a methodology for estimating reserves and placing on the state balance of reserves of a group of fields with oil deposits in the domanik deposits of the Volga-Ural OGP. This assessment of potential carbon formations of the Russian Federation continues to be a subject of scientific research without an application component, because of its inapplicability to select as the most important areas for exploration and possibilities of use in the study of investments. The uncertainty is related to the assessment of possible production levels with an unclear correlation between development technologies, filtration and reservoir properties, and the potential of high-carbon strata. There are several approaches to assessing the resources of hydrocarbon accumulations confined to low-pore and low-permeable strata of oil and gas source formations. In this study, we discuss two approaches that allowed us to assess the potential of the main high-carbon strata common in Russia.


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