

The geodynamic conditions of the Urals and the Urals play an important role in the formation of modern engineering-geological, hydrogeological, and, in general, geoecological conditions. The state of the geological environment depends on many factors, and is controlled, to a large extent, by the level of activity of modern tectonic movements. In assessing the geodynamic activity of a particular territory, an important role is given to the analysis of lineaments of the modern relief. Based on the analysis of the orientation of the lineament of the territory of the Perm Urals, the directions of the vectors of the main maximum tectonic stresses in the geological environment of the studied territory are determined. The prevailing orientation of tectonic stresses is latitudinal, and is 270 °. The kinematic types of faults that are reflected in the lineament of the relief are revealed. Key words: geodynamic conditions of the Urals; tectonic disturbance activity; relief lineaments; orientation of tectonic stresses;


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