
One of the noticeable points for maintaining the reservoir productivity is to increase the efficiency of production by the removal of formation damage. Improving the production and decreasing the skin by dissolving the formation damage and creating new pathways around wellbore are the most important goals of matrix acidizing. In this work, we use the available production history and the accomplished operation on the well in the field for our analysis. The executed actual matrix acidizing operation has been simulated by a software (StimCADE) to estimate and evaluate the well operation after acidizing. In addition, the volume and the injection rate of operation have been optimized with the highest efficiency to minimize the formation damage skin. By comparing the simulation results of actual acidizing operation which have been done with the results of optimized acidizing operation, indicated the positive effect of optimization of matrix acidizing operation on decreasing the skin factor in this case of carbonate reservoir and also indicated that using HCl 28% as the first batch of main fluid and HCl 15% as the second batch of main fluid leads to the best result in this case in decreasing the skin factor.


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