
The presence of salt formartions are an important issue because the tectonic outlook of the area may be modified by the salt, by either reactivating pre-Badenian fault systems, or the newer fault systems cut through the salt formations (i.e. Rusi Cenade fault. This study focuses on the deformation patterns in the Southern part of the basin, where early Badenian extensional structures can be observed filled with evaporitic deposits, which have been later on involved in halokinematic proceses, resembled in diapiric structures, large folds and thrust faults. Important tectonic events in the Central Parathetys are related to the reactivation of the Early Badenian fault systems during Late Sarmatian times. Interpretation of regional seismic profiles, stratigraphic and sedimentologic data have offered an imporvement in picturing the tectonic evolution of the area, and offered a greater outlook on the geometry of the fault. What we can be sure of is that the evolution of a major fault which cuts through the entire Southern part of the basin is controlled by the salt movements, which act like a decolemet level, and also by the early Badenian fault systems which act like a ramp.


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