Caring for Fragile Landscapes: Landscape, Community and Change(Lessness) in Solčavsko




care, fragility, care aesthetics, landscape, the Solčava region


The paper addresses selected examples of the “recitings” of locals – that is, caretakers of the landscape and the community – of the Solčava region, which touch upon the issue of care for the landscape and some of its crucial domains, namely institutional conservation and tourism. Care for the landscape is understood as a value-laden relationship and a bodily-sensory practice, and hence an aesthetics of care is posited. As a kind of other-side of care, the paper suggests the aesthetic category of fragility. Finally, the paper argues that care is part and parcel of a dialectics of change and changelessness.


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How to Cite

Bajič, B. (2023). Caring for Fragile Landscapes: Landscape, Community and Change(Lessness) in Solčavsko. Traditiones, 52(1), 109–137.



Skrb za krajine / Care for Landscapes