南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2009, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (01): 131-135.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2009.01.028

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  1. 南京林业大学杨树研究开发中心,江苏南京210037
  • 出版日期:2009-02-18 发布日期:2009-02-18
  • 基金资助:
    收稿日期:2008-09-30修回日期:2008-12-18 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(2007CB116307);国家高技术研究发展计划(2006AA100109);国家“十一五”科技支撑计划 (2006BAD01A15-3) 作者简介:程强(1978—),讲师,博士。*王明庥(通讯作者),教授,中国工程院院士;黄敏仁(通讯作者),教授,研究方向为杨树遗传育种。E mail:mrhuang@njfu.edu.cn 引文格式:程强,潘惠新,徐立安,等.杨树基因组计划及其分子生物学研究进展[J].南京林业大学学报:自然科学版,2009,33(1):131135.

The poplar genome project and progress in poplar molecular biology studies

CHENG Qiang, PAN Huixin,XU Lian, ZHUGE Qiang,WANG Mingxiu*,HUANG Minren*   

  1. Research Center of Poplar,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
  • Online:2009-02-18 Published:2009-02-18

摘要: 林木是人类最主要的可再生资源,具有重要的经济价值;林木有草本植物不具有的生物 学特征,如广泛的次生生长,在四季更替中调控生长和休眠,以及漫长的营养生长期等。揭示这些生物学特征的分子机制有重大的理论及实践意义 。杨树是林木中的模式树种,是第3个完成全基因组测序的模式植物,杨树转录组和蛋白组的研究也已深入开展。杨树基因组计划推动了林木基因 组进化、木材形成、开花、休眠以及林木-病原微生物相互作用等领域研究的发展。

Abstract: Forest trees as renewable resources are economically important which possess treespecific characteristics comparing to herbaceous plants such as extensive secondary growth, seasonal growth and dormancy, longgeneration times. Studies on the molecular mechanism underlying treespecific traits have facilitated our understanding of plant biology and have potential value for genetic engineering. Poplar has been chosen as the model species for woody plants and the poplar wholegenome has been sequenced successfully. Meanwhile, profound studies have been carried out on poplar transcriptome and proteome. Poplar genome project has enriched our knowledge of tree genome evolution, wood formation, flowering, dormancy and treepathogen interactions.
