Document Type : Research Paper


1 College of Science, University of Anbar

2 College ducation university of Al-anbar


The woke focuses on the preparation of polymer matrix composite materials by Hand lay –up method from unsaturated polyester resin (UPE) as a matrix reinforced by woven Roven or random glass fiber kind (E-glass) with volume fraction 25%.This work include studding the unreinforced (UPE) and its composites which reinforced by (one ,two and three) layers of woven Roven (W.R)or random glass fiber in the dry and wet cases at room temperature .Results of the work should that the number of fatigue cycles to failure decrease with increasing the number of reinforcing layers for all samples in the dry and wet cases ,Also the number of these cycles for the samples immersed in water less than that of the same dry samples .

Main Subjects

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