Western Intelligence Services and Russia’s War against Ukraine

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Western Intelligence Services and Russia’s War against Ukraine

An Interview with Georg Mascolo

Mascolo, Georg

From the journal OE Zeitschrift Osteuropa, Volume 72, December 2022, issue 11

Published by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag

Russlands Geheimdienste, 4248 Words
Original language: German
OE 2022, pp 35-44


Russia’s war against Ukraine has confronted Western intelligence services with an emergency scenario. Their skills and capabilities for gaining information about Russia’s intentions and the military situation are being put to the test. The intelligence services’ successes can help win the war. Their failures contribute to losing the war. Western intelligence services are supporting Ukraine with their findings, helping with logistics, and monitoring sanctions. The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) is considered a institution unto itself when it comes to gathering intelligence about Russia. At the same time, it faces shortcomings as an intelligence service. In the political decision-making process, it plays a subordinate role. Confrontation with Russia will continue after the war as well. Understanding what the Kremlin is thinking and planning remains crucial.

Author information

Georg Mascolo