Getting Off the Sidelines

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Getting Off the Sidelines

Andreas Kappeler: Ukraine as Subject in History

Kappeler, Andreas

From the journal OE Zeitschrift Osteuropa, Volume 72, September 2022, issue 6-8

Published by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag

Nation und Staat, 3478 Words
Original language: German
OE 2022, pp 69-77


Andreas Kappeler, a historian of Eastern Europe, looks back on his personal discovery of Ukraine as a nation at a time when the mere mention of the word “nation” was considered disreputable. He explains where the stereotype of Ukrainians as nationalists and anti-Semites comes from. In his view, however, the widespread Western disinterest in Ukraine has been overcome, and Ukraine is now recognized as an equal subject within the international community of nations. As a historian who thinks long-term, he refuses to believe that a megalomaniacal dictator in the Kremlin can chart a new course in the history and historiography of Europe in just a few years.

Author information

Andreas Kappeler