The plot in the school theatrical text is a proposed theatrical structure from the perspective of the philosophy of science

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م.د.غاده عبد الستار عواد العاني


The plot is a term that must be present in all literary genres such as story , novel or theatrical text in order to act as interconnection of events and their sequences since the first moment of first conflict of text structure .Therefore the researcher has designed developed  theatrical  text structure according to science philosophy perspective through following scientific revolutionary structure stages of philosopher ( Thomas Koon ) .

I exposed this The research to a group of professors and experts in which they welcomed and accepted by everyone .Accordingly the researcher has chosen one sample for text analysis by following content analysis methodology in adaption method  and text division into eight  sequenced stages as in (The idea and its opposite, crises or problem , instructional sample , external aspects , quantification  accumulation , sensory perception , changing point , results and reason ) .

The researcher has reached a set of results such as : Proposed construction sequence according to  first seven stages , sequenced structure achieving  developed moral and positive correlation referring to individual self – secondary school student except if that the eighth step b( reason and results)  was weak and unclear prosaic ending in which lead to confusion and return the subject to the same point or without completing Developmental rotation .

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How to Cite
The plot in the school theatrical text is a proposed theatrical structure from the perspective of the philosophy of science. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(121), 368-354.
pure science articles

How to Cite

The plot in the school theatrical text is a proposed theatrical structure from the perspective of the philosophy of science. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(121), 368-354.

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