The impact of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in Jenin governorate schools and methods of treating addiction to this application as seen by secondary school teachers.

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This study aimed to identify the effect of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in the schools of Jenin Governorate, and methods of treating the addiction of this application as seen by teachers, where the study population consisted of all male and female teachers in secondary schools in Jenin Governorate, while the study sample consisted From (60) male and female teachers, they were randomly selected from the study population, and the questionnaire was used in order to achieve the objective of the study.

* It was found that the impact of using the (Tik Tok) application on high school students is as follows:

  1. "The ease of penetration and hacking of user data for the Tik Tok application", and I ranked first with an average of (4.34).

  2. “It leads the student to stress and depression, which makes him narcissistic by nature.” And I got the second place with an arithmetic average of (4.29).

  3. "Provides entertainment content and thus wastes time", and I got the last rank with an average of (3.84).

* It was found that the most important methods of treating addiction to this application are through the following:

  1. Holding panel discussions for school students and introducing them to the dangers and harms of the (Tik Tok application) program, and I ranked first with an arithmetic average of (4.24 (

  2. "Monitoring Students' Phones by Parents", and got the first rank repeated with a mean of (4.24(

  3. “Occupying children with things that keep them away from using the Tik Tok application,” and I ranked first, repeated, with an average of (4.24(.

  4. As for the total arithmetic mean of the second axis for the individuals whose opinions were polled, it was (4.19), with a percentage of (83.8%(

Results related to the hypotheses of the study and their discussion:

  1. It was found that there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance about the effect of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in Jenin governorate schools and the methods of treating addiction to this application as seen by secondary school teachers, due to the gender variable.

  2. It was found that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance about the effect of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in Jenin governorate schools and methods of treating addiction to this application as seen by secondary school teachers, due to the variable of experience.

  3. It was found that there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance about the negative effect of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in Jenin governorate schools and the methods of treating addiction to this application as seen by secondary school teachers, due to the experience variable.

In light of the results reached, the researchers recommend the following:

  1. Work on a good legal formulation that protects our teenage children from the forms of fraud and extortion that have appeared through applications such as TikTok, as the application keeps copies of the content and uses them in the appropriate manner.

  2. Activating the role of parents in protecting their children from content that is inappropriate for their age in an educational manner.

  3. Adjusting the nature of the content that is promoted through the application and its suitability with the culture, customs and traditions of the Arab society.

  4. Treating the risks of addiction to these applications at the psychological and behavioral levels.

  5. Monitoring the level of technological literacy of parents and their awareness of the nature of using these new applications that their children may deal with, and their knowledge of using technological parental control systems.

  6. Developing religious faith and correct education for children, in a way that helps them reduce the negatives and dangers of modern methods.

  7. Parents should make more effort to spend time with their children and invest their free time in activities that are beneficial to them and to the community instead of spending time with entertainment applications alone.

Article Details

How to Cite
The impact of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in Jenin governorate schools and methods of treating addiction to this application as seen by secondary school teachers. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(119), 888-917.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

The impact of using the (Tik Tok) application on secondary school students in Jenin governorate schools and methods of treating addiction to this application as seen by secondary school teachers. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(119), 888-917.

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