Managing psychological stress among kindergarten teachers.

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ا.م.د.لينا عقيل خداداد
ا.م. أسيل إسماعيل محمد
زينا كاظم ناصر الميالي


Research Abstract: The research aims to identify:
1- Managing psychological stress among kindergarten teachers.
2 - Management of psychological stress among married and unmarried kindergarten teachers.
3- Managing psychological stress among kindergarten teachers according to years of service.
In her study, the researcher relied on the descriptive approach in the study, where the research sample consisted of (250) teachers for statistical analysis out of (301) teachers, out of a total of (180) teachers in the Directorate of Education of Najaf, and out of a total of (70) teachers in the Kufa Education Department. , and from a total of (51) female teachers in the Manathira Education Department, and were chosen randomly from the General Directorate of Education in the Holy Najaf Governorate, and its departments, the Manathira Education Department and the Kufa Education Department, for the governorate with its center, districts and all its aspects, for the academic year (2021-2022), and she The researcher built the research scale represented by (stress management scale), which is as follows:
The psychological stress management scale: which was built on the theory of Lazarus and Volkman
(Lazarus & Folkman), where the scale consisted of (60) items distributed over four strategies: (avoidance) from paragraph (1) to paragraph (15), (social support) from paragraph (16) to paragraph (30), ( Searching for information) from paragraph (31) to paragraph (45), (compensation) from paragraph (46) to paragraph (60), as each strategy consists of (15) paragraphs. The validity and reliability of the scale were verified by extracting the validity using the method of (the two extreme groups method) and the (internal consistency method). Accordingly, the psychological stress management scale in the final form consisted of (60) items, with the highest score (180) degrees, the lowest score (60) degrees, and the hypothetical mean (180) degrees. The scale was applied to a sample consisting of (250) female teachers who were chosen randomly, and after the psychometric characteristics were extracted from the validity, the validity indicators of the psychological stress management scale were verified (apparent validity and constructive validity), and the stability of the psychological stress management scale was extracted in two ways. They are (retest method and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of internal consistency), by processing the data for the study statistically and using appropriate statistical methods, and extracting the results, so the research reached the following results:
1- Kindergarten teachers are distinguished by managing psychological stress.
2- Married female teachers have more methods and strategies for managing psychological stress than unmarried female teachers.
3- Female teachers who have years of service of more than (15) years have more management of psychological stress than female teachers who have years of service of less than (15) years.
Keywords: stress management, psychological stress, kindergarten teachers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Managing psychological stress among kindergarten teachers. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(118), 362-340.
human sciences articles

How to Cite

Managing psychological stress among kindergarten teachers. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 29(118), 362-340.