The metafiction in the contemporary Iraqi plastic art products.

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أ.م.د. جبار خماط حمزة


    The current research issue was established on studying the role of The Metafictional in the awareness of the narrative, recounting and storytelling process in the Iraqi plastics art, in which the researcher sought to find out the effect of this process, which included the destruction of narrative structures and the ability to manipulate nominal data in the rephrase traditional (classic) folk tale of the artist through his awareness of the narrations, sayings and observations, and his  inform of the events and ceremonies and rituals of historical ,religious and social and his ability to use them in presenting of Artistic plastic products imitate the original form of literary text and translated into visual performance texts by depending on the techniques and mechanisms of the show and distinctive stylistic reflects the ability of the artist to recall the textual literary items and diverting them to visual vocabulary in the framework of a comprehensive product integrated.

          -The aim of the current research is to: find out the relationship between the Metafictional and the Iraqi painting art.

          -The second chapter included the theoretical framework which the researcher divided into two sections: - The epistemological approach between the narrative, recounting and storytelling and the painting art. The second is the Metafictional in the artists of the sixties paintings. As a representative of the products of contemporary Iraqi painting, as well as the artistics experience of the artist (Kadhem Haider) as a real model and one of the most important outputs of this generation. The chapter also includes the theoretical framework indicators that the research reached.

          -The third chapter included the researcher's Procedures in achieving the goal of the research. The researcher chose a collection of the artist (Kadhem Haidar’s) painting as a representative of the paintings of the sixties of the twentieth century, which the researcher subjected to study and analysis to reach his goal of research

          -The fourth chapter included the main Results of the research.

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How to Cite
The metafiction in the contemporary Iraqi plastic art products. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 1(SI), 93-105.
Articles for the humanities and pure sciences

How to Cite

The metafiction in the contemporary Iraqi plastic art products. (2023). Journal of the College of Basic Education, 1(SI), 93-105.

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