IOT-Based Human Vital Sign Monitoring Tool Using Telegram Notifications (BPM and Respiration Rate Parameters)

  • Rizky Dwi K Department of Electromedical Engineering, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • M. Prastawa Assalim Tetraputra Department of Electromedical Engineering, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Abdul Kholiq Department of Electromedical Engineering, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Smartband, Multiplexer, SEN0203, MLX90614, BPM, Temperature


Vital signs play a crucial role in monitoring the progress of adult or pediatric patients during hospitalization, as they enable prompt detection of delayed recovery or adverse events. Vital signs are measured to obtain fundamental indicators of the patient's health status. The measurement of vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, pulse, and respiratory rate, is the most common intervention in hospital medicine. Advanced monitoring systems combine clinical and technological aspects to deliver innovative healthcare outcomes. Remote patient monitoring systems are increasingly becoming the cornerstone of healthcare delivery, replacing traditional manual recording with computer and smartphone-based electronic recording as a versatile and innovative health monitoring system. This study aims to design a Vital Sign Monitoring Parameter BPM and RR tool with Notifications via the IoT-Based Telegram application. The tool enables the monitoring of vital signs, particularly BPM and RR, regardless of the patient's location and at any given time. This allows doctors, health workers, and patients to stay informed about their health condition. Real-time display of vital sign data is available through the TFT LCD screen, and the data from the screen can be accessed via Telegram. The Telegram application will send notifications in the event of abnormal patient conditions. MAX30100, a digital sensor for detecting breathing rate and heart rate, is utilized in this research. Furthermore, the data obtained shows errors that are within the allowable limits for each parameter. The difference between the heart rate readings and the respiratory rate values on the device and the patient monitor is 1.14% for heart rate and 0.84% for respiratory rate. This study indicates that it is time to monitor vital signs that can be seen remotely and have a system that is an inexpensive and easy-to-operate device for health workers without interfering with activities of daily living.


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How to Cite
R. K, M. P. A. Tetraputra, and A. Kholiq, “IOT-Based Human Vital Sign Monitoring Tool Using Telegram Notifications (BPM and Respiration Rate Parameters)”, Teknokes, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 217-223, Nov. 2023.
Biomedical Engineering