The Impact of Technologies on Value Co-Creation in the Music Industry: Blockchain, Augmented Reality and ChatGPT - OpenAI

Lazăr (Negrea) Irina , Epuran Gheorghe , Tescașiu Bianca

Transilvania University of Brașov,Romania



The new information technologies changed the communication paradigm and brought new elements in the way the newly created value is perceived. The possibilities of co-creating value in the music field are growing strongly in the context of the development of technological applications such as Blockchain, Augmented Reality and, more recently, ChatGPT. They open new horizons in the creation, distribution and promotion of musical works by artists and producers (Centorrino at al., 2023), with the benefits for end users being ever greater. Through new technologies and applications, businesses in the music industry acquire new facets and dimensions, where passionate users, (music lovers, artists and other interested parties interact), thus contributing to the co-creation of value. The purpose of this research is to establish how and to what extent Blockchain, Augmented Reality and Chat GPT technologies contribute to added value through co-creation in the music industry.

Keywords: value co-creation, music, Blockchain, Augmented Reality, ChatGPT.

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