


professional competence of future teachers of music art, criterion, indicator, level, personal-motivating criterion, cognitive criterion, functional criterion, reflective criterion, formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art.


Nowadays the problem of improvement of technologies of professional development of applicants of the higher musical pedagogical education acquires special urgency. In order to develop the effective model of professional training of teachers, it is important to assess their educational results. Therefore, the aim of our study is to substantiate the criteria, indicators and levels of the formation of professional competence of future teachers of music.

The article clarifies the essence of such concepts as «criterion», «indicator», «level(s)». The criterion tools of modern research in the field of professional training of music teachers are analyzed. It is emphasized that the professional competence of future teachers of music is an integrative education that combines personal qualities, experience, values, knowledge, skills and abilities formed in the process of studying professional disciplines during the course of higher pedagogical education, as well as the ability to carry out music-pedagogical, creative and instrumental activities. The content of this phenomenon as the unity of value-motivational (motivational sphere, value orientations, personal qualities and abilities), cognitive (psychological, pedagogical, music-theoretical, methodological knowledge), activity-creative (psychological, pedagogical and musical-practical skills, experience of professional activity) and reflexive-evaluative components (reflection, artistic reflection) is highlighted. Based on the analysis of the essence and content of professional competence of music teachers, as well as scientific works of modern scientists, the following criteria for the formation of professional competence of future teachers of music art are substantiated: personal-motivating, cognitive, functional and reflective. Three levels of formation of the studied phenomenon are singled out and described in detail: high, average and low.


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