Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the report examines the questions of metrological assurance of control parameters of fuel and oil in flight-technical exploitation of aircraft engines, employs in this case means and methods of the measurements and their errors.

aircraft engine, air transport, metrological support, metrological risk, ensuring the unity of measurements, special measuring instrument, the measurement error

1. Electric lever-impulse fuel gauge SKES-2027B. Manual of technical operation.

2. Control system and fuel measurement SUIT-148. Manual of technical operation 6T 1.620.049 RE.

3. Measurement system of fuel consumption SIRT1-2T. Manual of technical operation.

4. Flow meter time (instant) and total fuel consumption RTMS. Manual of technical operation.

5. Testing equipment KPA-IS-2. Manual of technical operation.

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7. Federal law of the Russian Federation from 26.06.2008, № 102-FZ “On ensuring the unity of measurements”.

8. GOST R 8.000-2015. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The main provisions.

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11. GOST R 8.568-97. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certification of testing equipment. The main provisions.

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13. GOST 54-3-1572.80-2001. Sectoral system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Certification of testing equipment. The order of.

14. GOST 1 01021-93. Test benches, aircraft gas turbine engines. General requirements.

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17. GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009. Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

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20. GOST 56116-2014. Air transport. The safety management system of airline operational activities. Metrological risks. The main provisions.

21. Annex 19 to the Convention on international civil aviation. The management of safety. - ICAO. - 1st ed. - 2013-08-23.

22. Bogoyavlenskiy A.A., Gipich G.N., Shapkin V.S. A Unified approach to national management standards the risk factor in the system safety management aviation-activity // The economics of quality. - 2015. - № 2 (10). - P. 73-78.

23. GOST R EN 9110-2011. The quality management system. Requirements to organization of technical maintenance of aircraft equipment.

24. GOST R EN 9100-2011. The quality management system of organizations in aviation, space and defense industries. Requirements.

25. GOST R ISO 9001-2008. The quality management system. Requirements.

26. The law of the Russian Federation № 184-FZ dated 27.12.02 “On technical regulation”.

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