O decreto de 1059 sobre a eleição do papa

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Venício Marcolino


The decree on papal elections published in 1059 A. D. is a document of the first fase of the «gregorian reform», and should be interpreted as such. In it are condensed tendencies and ideas which had been gradually developing, specially those which advocated a reform of the Church at all levels, a reduction of secular influence and freedom in the election to ecclesiastical office. Doubtless the decree represents the thinking of those leading figures in the roman curia who, ever since Leo IX's pontificate, had been favouring reform. As a synodal document, however, it is not the product of any single author or of any particular group. Rather it represents a general consensus of the main currents of opinion, obtained during the synodal discussions and in talks held by Nicholas II with important personages of the time, as the signatures appended clearly indicate. The final draft appears to be a compromise between the radical and moderate factions, represented respectively by Humberto da Silva Candida and Pedro Damiani, both of whom probably collaborated in drawing up the text.


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