(2019) 1 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 101–111
Title of the article Typological Characteristics of Ukrainian Criminal Process
PhD in Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Vice-Rector, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, tolochko1953@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 1
Pages [101–111]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The criminal process is one of the types of state power implementation, the specifics of which are determined by the peculiarities of tasks in the field of combating crime, therefore it is such a specific branch, which reflects the law-enforcement function of the state.
In the process of developing criminal procedural law and the theory of the criminal process, it is important to take into account mistakes and achievements of reform, analyze existing problems of justice, experience of European and other countries, to introduce the best, but first of all to be based on proven positive practices.
The purpose of the article is to determine the typological features of the modern criminal process in Ukraine and the tendencies of convergence of national procedural systems of European countries of common and continental law.
The article is devoted to the definition of typological features of the modern criminal process of Ukraine, which has an objective tendency towards socio-political and formal-legal rapprochement with national procedural systems of countries of common and continental law. However, merging the criminal process into one type, as well as the domination of one procedural system over another, is impossible due to cultural and historical conditions and the threat of loss of national identity. The legal basis for the modern convergence of national procedural systems is international and European law. International legal documents establish standards and procedures for the restriction of human rights, as well as “supranational” control mechanisms for their observance.
In the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine, it is possible to create similar (national) or uniform (international) mechanisms of procedural regulation of homogeneous social relations in the corresponding harmonization of national procedural legislation and practice of its application. The domestic criminal process in its characteristics is continental and is closer to the German procedural system, the structural and functional features of which were borrowed and creatively redesigned. The most important borrowings from the Anglo-American process relate to the areas of evidence, the protection of human rights and the adversarial nature of criminal proceedings and do not significantly affect the type of criminal process. All of them are in the process of adaptation and do not exert a destructive influence on law-enforcement practice.
Keywords criminal process; typology of the criminal process; the model of the criminal process in Ukraine; continental type of criminal process; anglo-american type of criminal process.
Authored books
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Edited books
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Thesis abstracts
11. Bahin S, ‘Sotrudnichestvo gosudarstv po sblizheniju nacionalnyh pravovyh sistem: unifikacija i garmonizacija prava’ [‘State Cooperation on the Approximation of National Legal Systems: Unification and Harmonization of Law’] (avtoref diss dokt jurid nauk, Sankt-Peterburzhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet 2003) 46 (in Russian).
Journals articles
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