• N. Sydorenko PhD in Public Administration, Doctoral Student of Public Administration Department, Institute of Personnel Training Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8734-9704
  • I. Shkurat PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Management Department, Institute of Personnel Training Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8810-2890
Keywords: public administration, decentralization, employment, unemployment, administrative services, administrative service centers, globalization, pandemic, COVID-19.


The article states that the sphere of employment is influenced by global factors: demography, technological innovations, ideology, organizational changes to which were added in 2020 – epidemiological (the COVID-19 pandemic). Coronavirus has negatively affected global human development in education, health and income.

The following trends have been identified that will affect the sphere of public administration in general: globalization is acquiring a new format. Production chains of social products could be radically change and the value orientations of participants in global production could be transform.

Economic activity, the labor market and much more related to human life and well-being will acquire a new format under the influence of phenomena, processes, factors caused by globalization and the coronavirus pandemic.

Based on the analysis of statistical information, it is substantiated that the following trends have been established in the Ukrainian labor market: a decrease of the number of employed people and an increase of the number of unemployed, with a general decrease in human resources. The negative consequences of globalization processes will maintain the trend of further impact on employment in Ukraine.

It is emphasized that the proper use of an extensive network of administrative service centers (ASCs) can strengthen the implementation of public employment policy and will reduce the negative effects of the pandemic, and contribute to employment growth not only at the local level but also in the country as a whole.

The directions of further research in this area are recommended to monitor the further impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the formation of employment, including the labor market and new competencies in employees, as well as finding and disseminating best practices to address employment issues.


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How to Cite
Sydorenko , N., & Shkurat , I. (2020). OVERCOMING THE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF GLOBALIZATION CHALLENGES IN THE FIELD OF EMPLOYMENT THROUGH THE USE OF THE ASC NETWORK AT THE LOCAL LEVEL. Theory and Practice of Public Administration, 4(71), 169-176. https://doi.org/10.34213/tp.20.04.22
Peculiarities of State Personnel Policy Realization in Ukraine