Illuminating the landscape of mathematical resilience: A systematic review
Seda Nur Akkan 1, Tuğba Horzum 2 *
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1 Ministry of National Education, Konya, Türkiye
2 Necmettin Erbakan University, Ereğli Faculty of Education, Konya, Türkiye
* Corresponding Author


This systematic review examines 31 articles published from 2000 to 2021, comprehensively addressing mathematical resilience. These articles originate from English-language journals indexed in Google Scholar, Web of Science, ERIC, and Scopus databases. The analysis considered specific aspects including years, countries, research methods, designs, sample characteristics, data collection instruments, analysis techniques, findings, and recommendations. The majority of studies were conducted in 2021, mainly in Indonesia and the United Kingdom, with a focus on high school students. Qualitative approaches predominated, particularly qualitative descriptive research, along with quantitative approaches featuring semi-experimental designs and correlational studies. Quantitative studies commonly employed mean and frequency tables, while surveys and interviews were frequently utilized data collection tools. These investigations revealed diverse dimensions of mathematical resilience, spanning cognitive, affective, pedagogical, demographic, and social domains. The studies offer valuable recommendations for educators, researchers, teacher education programs, learning environments, students, school administration, psychological counsellors, parents, and society at large.



  • Note: (* marked references are the studies included in the review)
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