Pendekatan Health Belief Model (HBM) Untuk Menganalisis Kepatuhan Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Dalam Menggunakan Insulin Di Kota Banjarmasin


  • Aulia Damayanti Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Anabaena Chicade Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Halimatus Sadiyah Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Kerin Petrisia Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Lalu T. R. Elwin Universitas Sari Mulia
  • M. Yericho Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Maulida Putri Andini Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Muhammad Rezky Rachman Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Muhammad Yuzhar Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Pebrianti` Pebrianti Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Putri Olivia Nayaken Universitas Sari Mulia
  • W.P.P Dewi Ratna Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Shinta Kumala Dewi Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Sita Razni Imani Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Umi Hasanah Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Yenni Al Zahra Universitas Sari Mulia
  • Erlina Syamsyu Universitas Sari Mulia



Insulin, HBM, Diabetes mellitus


Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. In terms of the prevalence of DM patients 2.86% in Banjarmasin City (Rikesdas, 2018). Currently insulin is the most effective therapy for DM patients, but patients tend to refuse to give insulin by injection. Health Belief Model (HBM) is a model of individual health beliefs in determining attitudes to take or not to take action on health behavior.
Objective: To see the relationship between the Health Belief Model (HBM) approach and 5 main concepts to analyze the compliance of diabetes mellitus patients in using insulin in the people of Banjarmasin City.
Method: Descriptive by testing hypotheses and obtaining answers to a question, the data can be collected through questionnaires or questionnaires.
Results: Based on the characteristics of the patient's adherence to insulin, it showed 62.5% often, 25.0% sometimes, 3.1% rarely used insulin and 9.4% did not use it. There is a perceived susceptibility to not taking insulin, with the highest number indicating an increase in blood sugar. the perceived severity of the individual's belief in the severity of the disease he suffers, the perceived benefits have a significant positive relationship to patient compliance in using insulin. There is a significant relationship between patient compliance in using insulin and perceived barriers.
Conclusion: Susceptibility, severity, benefit, and perceived self-confidence have a significant positive effect on patient adherence to insulin use. Meanwhile, based on medication adherence of diabetes mellitus patients in using insulin, it was not significantly affected by the perceived barriers.




How to Cite

Damayanti, A., Chicade, A., Sadiyah, H., Petrisia, K., Elwin, L. T. R., Yericho, M., Andini, M. P., Rachman, M. R., Yuzhar, M., Pebrianti, P., Nayaken, P. O., Ratna, W. D., Dewi, S. K., Imani, S. R., Hasanah, U., Zahra, Y. A., & Syamsyu, E. (2022). Pendekatan Health Belief Model (HBM) Untuk Menganalisis Kepatuhan Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Dalam Menggunakan Insulin Di Kota Banjarmasin. Journal Pharmaceutical Care and Sciences, 2(2), 61–68.