a Social Punishment For Sexual Promiscuity In Madura


  • Habibi Al Amin Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari
  • Muhdi Muhdi Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari



This article is the result of a qualitative field research with a legal sociology approach. This article discusses the tradition of intermarrying with the eyes of Islamic law and positive law. The researcher uses the maqasid shariah theory in explaining the legal position of capture marriage. The maqasid shariah theory has a flexible and adaptive character in determining the legal status of localistic matters. The location of this research is in Pekalongan village, Sampang district, Madura. This study concludes that marriage arrests in the village of Pekalongan are legal, even obligatory, seeing that the implementation of the marriage arrest law cannot be separated from the main purpose of implementing Islamic laws. Capture marriage fulfills the maqashid al-sharī'ah element. Capture marriages function as hifd al din, namely tradition as religious social control, as a social protection system that fulfills the elements of hifdh an-nafs (avoiding cases of violence and vigilantism), hifdh an-nasl (avoiding offspring from illicit relationships), hifdh al-mal (avoiding the use of money in vain), hifdh al-aql (maintaining a healthy mindset and avoiding depression). Capture marriages are marriages that have no legal force because they are not registered..

Keywords: kawin tangkap tradition, maqasid shariah, law


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Author Biographies

Habibi Al Amin, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari


Muhdi Muhdi, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Mahasiswa program pascasarjana




How to Cite

Amin, H. A., & Muhdi, M. (2021). CATCH MARRIAGE IN MAQASHID AL-SYARI’AH AND INDONESIAN LAW PERSPECTIVE: a Social Punishment For Sexual Promiscuity In Madura. SHAKHSIYAH BURHANIYAH: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Islam, 6(2), 115–128.