Loyalty and Solidarity in EU Asylum Policy

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Loyalty and Solidarity in EU Asylum Policy
Brandl, Ulrike

From the journal ZöR Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, Volume 70, June 2015, issue 2

Published by Verlag Österreich

article, 9332 Words
Original language: German
ZöR 2015, pp 491-510


In its first part, this contribution deals with the question whether or not the references to the principle of solidarity for the asylum system in the TEU and TFEU owe more than confirmative power and whether they could be litigable. The second part analyses, which parts of secondary legislation touch on the solidary bearing of responsibility and how it shall work. In the third part it is shown that practical asylum policy is diverging distinctly from the foundations in the treaty when it comes to applying rules of solidarity that are originally foreseen.

Author information

Ulrike Brandl


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