
The problem of biodiversity loss since the end of the 20th century is one of the main problems at the global level, since it is the main condition for the sustainable existence of the biosphere. In the conditions of anthropogenic transformation of the Earth’s vegetation cover, rare plant species are a critical component of biodiversity, primarily requiring comprehensive, comprehensive and long-term observations to ensure effective protection. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to conduct long-term monitoring of the Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó population growing in an urbanized environment within the city of Sumy, with an interval of five years (2017 and 2021). On the basis of data on changes in the total number, ontogenetic structure, ontogenetic spectra and ontogenetic indices, as well as on the basis of the data of a complete morphometric analysis, conclusions were made and an assessment was made regarding the stable existence of the population of D. incarnata. As a result, it was found that the total population size of D. incarnata increased by approximately 25% over five years, from 2017 to 2021. According to the ontogenetic structure and ontogenetic indices, the D. incarnata population was characterized as young with high recovery indices and a stable generativity index at the level of 21–22%. Morphometric analysis of D. incarnata plants showed a statistically significant (p = 0.000–0.009) increase for all calculated morphoparameters, except plant height, in 2021 compared to 2017. In general, the measured morphoparameters of D. incarnata plants in 2021 were characterized by a high level of variation. The highest indicators of the coefficients of variation are characteristic for the height of the inflorescence (24.5–32.8%) and the number of flowers (30–40%), and the lowest – for the number of leaves (10.7–21.7%), as well as for the height of plants in 2017 (16.1%) and leaf length in 2021 (16.5%). Regarding the morphological integrity of D. incarnata plants, as a reaction of plants to environmental factors, an increase in the index of morphological integration of individuals of this species was recorded over time, in an interval of five years – from 2017 to 2021. The conditions for the growth of the population of D. incarnata, in general, are assessed as optimal and contribute to its sustainable existence. All elements of the comprehensive population analysis revealed an improvement in the state of the population, which is also confirmed by the increase in the number of individuals. That is why, it is important to continue population monitoring of this rare species, since it has the status of «unassessed» according to the Red Book of Ukraine and requires the accumulation of factual data based on the results of long-term monitoring.


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How to Cite
Klymenko, H., Kyrylchuk, K., Sherstiuk, M., Zubtsova, I. V., Klymenko, I., & Dimidenko, Y. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF THE STATUS AND POPULATION STRUCTURE OF THE RARE SPECIES DACTYLORHIZA INCARNATA (L.) SOÓ. IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT (SUMY). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 49(3), 16-24.