Keywords: dairy cattle, additional gene pool, genetic reserve, breeding population, milk productivity, breeds, breeding statuses.


The progress of the breed is determined by the high genetic potential of the main breeding traits, which are realized through modern conditions of keeping and feeding. To ensure the mentioned processes, constant monitoring is required, which provides information on the state of general characteristics, such as the number of animals, genealogical structure, development of economically useful traits, to justify the further development strategy. If modern domestic and cross-border dairy breeds of productivity in most cases require an analysis of the development of productive traits, then with local breeds there is a need for population monitoring, as they are constantly in the "zone risk ". For this purpose, the State register of breeding subjects in animal husbandry with data of a 21-year period was involved for monitoring. It was established that the studied populations had the maximum (peak) values of numbers and fertility in the following periods: Lebedin 1698 heads (2004) and 5,770 kg (2017), Simmental 32,206 heads (year 2004) and 6902 kg (year 2022), Red Steppe 65594 heads (year 2002) and 4483 kg (year 2022), Ukrainian Whitehead 924 heads (year 2012) and 4754 kg (year 2020), Red Polish 2094 heads (2005) and 4098 kg (2013), Pinzgau 141 heads (2002) and 3400 kg (2010), Carpathian Brown 2047 heads and 3241 kg (2012). It is proved that the changes in livestock and milk productivity in the studied breeds, which were obtained in the dynamics by age periods, were obtained in all cases. Thus, for the reduction of breeding animals of the Lebedin breed by 3.4 times, there was an increase in the level of milk yield of cows by 34%. As for other breed differences, they have the following results: Simmental – reduction of animals by 3.4 times and increase in milk yield by 53%, Red Steppe (19 times – 46%), Carpathian Brown (5.2 times – 3 %). For the Ukrainian Whitehead breed and Pinzgau populations, slight fluctuations in the number of livestock are characteristic for the simultaneous increase in milk yield, the difference of which is +1,672 kg (35%) and +333 kg (10%), respectively. Opposite results were obtained in the Red Polish breed, where the insignificant undulation of the cows' milk was due to the reduction of animals (-939 heads or 5.1 times).


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How to Cite
Pochukalin, A. Y., & Pryima, S. V. (2023). ADDITIONAL GENE FUND AND GENETIC RESERVE – MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT OF GENETIC RESOURCES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 41-48.

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