Keywords: humidity, germination, germination energy, storage, sealed containers


The article presents the results of studies of the influence of conditions of winter wheat seed formation on the duration of its storage. It was determined that seeds of the Bogdana variety grown on irrigated lands had an advantage in preserving viability indicators compared to seeds grown without irrigation. It was found that the germination rate of seeds grown under irrigation conditions when stored in a climate chamber in a sealed container increased by 3 %. It was found that seeds with a moisture content of 13.3-13.5 %, regardless of irrigation conditions, stored in a leaky container in the storage facility, completely lost their viability in the third year. At the same time, when storing seeds with a moisture content of 7.4 % in a sealed container, regardless of irrigation conditions, the loss of seed quality was much less. It was found that the decisive factor in seed storage was its moisture content. At a moisture content of 13.3-13.5 %, seeds grown without watering, even in a special chamber in leaky containers, showed a decrease in germination energy by 11 % and germination rate by 9 %, while when such seeds were stored in a storage facility, the losses of these indicators reached 67 % and 64 %, respectively. It was determined that under the condition of storage of seeds without irrigation, the decrease in air-dry weight of 100 seedlings and roots increases compared to seeds grown under irrigation. The air-dry weight of 100 pieces of sprouts during storage in a sealed container in the chamber of seeds and grown without irrigation significantly decreased by 0.03 g, and roots by 0.05 g, while in seeds grown under irrigation conditions these indicators increased by 0.02 and 0.07 g, respectively. Thus, it has been shown that seeds grown under irrigation conditions retain their viability better than seeds grown without irrigation in both sealed and non-sealed containers. When growing seeds of valuable breeding samples, it is advisable to create favourable conditions for plant growth and development as much as possible to obtain high-quality seeds that can maintain their quality over a long storage period. Such seeds are best stored in airtight containers.


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How to Cite
Polishchuk, V. V., & Konovalov, D. V. (2023). INFLUENCE OF WINTER WHEAT SEED FORMATION CONDITIONS ON ITS STORAGE DURATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 59-64.