Keywords: corn, fertilizing, nitrogen fertilizers, productivity, carbamide, carbamide-ammonia mixture KAS, anhydrous ammonia, economic efficiency, energy efficiency, competitiveness


Among the grain crops of modern agricultural production of Ukraine, corn is a key one. Due to its universal purpose, such as use for food purposes, for farm animals feeding and technical processing, it takes the second place after wheat in the volume of cultivated areas and the first place in terms of production and productivity. Among the existing technological measures for growing agricultural crops in general, and corn in particular, the most effective are mineral fertilizers, primarily nitrogen. However, in the structure of costs for cultivation, mineral fertilizers occupy the largest share, and at the same time, their production is the most energy-intensive and requires large energy costs. In this regard, the search for the most optimal method of corn fertilizing in the context of high economic and energy efficiency is an urgent issue. The purpose and task of the research is to conduct an energy and economic assessment of the methods of corn fertilizing in the conditions of the north-east of Ukraine and to identify the most competitive variants of the experiment. The main method of research is a field method. The establishment and conducting of the experiment took place in the fields of the Pysariv branch of the Sumy regional management of the ALLC"Druzhba-Nova" Ltd of the Sumy region. The scheme of the experiment provided for the study of the effect of applying different rates and forms of nitrogen fertilizers on the yield of corn grain. Among the options for fertilizing the mid-early hybrid of corn DKS 3730, the application of 150 kg/ha d.r. of nitrogen on a phosphoric-potassium background (P60K60) turned out to be the best. At the same time, the level of profitability was 61.3%, and the value of conditional net profit was UAH 15,510/ha. The highest value of the energy efficiency indicator – 6.47 – was also noted on the specified version of the experiment. It was established that the complex coefficient of competitiveness was the highest in the variant where corn was fertilized with nitrogen in the norm 150 kg/ha d.r. in the form of anhydrous ammonia on a phosphorus-potassium background – 1.10. This indicates the superiority of the specified method of corn fertilization over the control variant according to the set of indicators of energy and economic evaluation. Variants with the introduction of carbamide and carbamide-ammonia mixture UAN-32, according to the set of economic and energy evaluation indicators, turned out to be less effective compared to anhydrous ammonia.


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How to Cite
Naumov, Y. O. (2023). TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF THE CORN FERTILIZING METHODS IN THE CONDITIONS OF NORTHEASTERN UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 52-58.