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The Design of Project-Based Learning Model Based on Local Potential and Social Constructive Investigation and Its Impact on Students’ Green Behavior

The Problem and Purpose of the Study. In Indonesia, the development of PBL models grounded in local potential and constructive social investigations has not previously been undertaken. Conversely, incorporating local potential into the curriculum is essential for enhancing conceptual comprehension, critical thinking skills, and environmental knowledge and fostering respect and concern for the environment. This study proposes a project-based learning (PBL) model rooted in local potential and constructive social investigations.

Research Methods. This study adopts and adapts the Borg & Gall development model, which comprises four stages: (a) needs analysis and identification of local potential, (b) model development, (c) model validation, and (d) implementation.

Results. The study’s findings indicate that (a) the incorporation of local potential into the project-based learning model is crucial in the context of rehabilitating and reclaiming local potential in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, (b) the design of the PBL learning model, integrated with local potential, is achieved by including local potential materials within the framework of the existing curriculum. This integration aligns with the principles of social constructive inquiry by identifying community problems and habits and discovering and implementing problem-solving solutions. (c) Model validation, conducted through expert assessment, demonstrates that the model meets the necessary criteria for validity and practicality, with validator ratings of 3.6 and 3.65, respectively, falling within the «very good» category. The Percentage of Agreement (PA) ranges from 83.3% to 100% in the «reliable» category. (d) The implementation shows that the developed learning model is effective in enhancing students’ environmentally friendly behaviour, with N-gain scores of 50.148 (effective), 50.921 (effective), and 50.256 (effective). That it, the PBL learning model based on local potential and constructive social investigations significantly influences student environmentally friendly behaviour (p < 0.05).

Practical significance. This research was conducted to develop and test the effectiveness of a project-based learning model design based on local potential and social constructive investigations to empower students’ green behavior. The results of this research provide initial data in the form of local potential mapping which is integrated into model design and field testing of green behavior, so that it can be used as input for teachers and lecturers to continue implementing green behavior and exploring other local potential in learning.

Keywords: project-based learning, local potential, social constructive investigation

For Reference: Nurhidayati, S., Safnowandi, Khaeruman, Sukri, A. (2024). The design of project-based learning model based on local potential and social constructive investigation and its impact on students’ green behavior. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education, 67 (1), 201-216. doi: 10.32744/pse.2024.1.11

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Information about the authors:

Siti Nurhidayati (West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) - Assistant Professor. Department of Biology Education. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika. E-mail: sitinurhidayati@undikma.ac.id. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4955-3736

Safnowandi (West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) - Assistant Professor.
Department of Biology Education. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika. E-mail: safnowandi_bio@undikma.ac.id. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4979-2339

Khaeruman (West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) - Assistant Professor. Department of Chemistry Education. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika. E-mail: khaeruman@undikma.ac.id. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0055-3310

Akhmad Sukri (West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) - Associate Professor. Department of Biology Education. Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika. E-mail: akhmadsukri@undikma.ac.id. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1588-8028

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