Анна Григорьевна Буряченко


There are shown the normative documentation requirements concerning complete and element wise calibration of the information-measuring systems measuring channels. It is about requirements, which are applicable for tests area of aviation turbo-engines and their componentry, including the electronic regulators FADEC-type. There are given short information concerning the experience of JSC "Element" – certificated developer and manufacturer of such regulators – on providing of calibration (testing) of measuring channels with the use of imitators of electric signals of engine transducers. There is given the information concerning the ranges of measuring of vibrating accelerations and vibrating frequencies, which are required for providing of the engine vibrating monitoring and the information about the extreme high magnitudes of vibrating acceleration, which is interesting for the developer of the engine. There are covered the problems, which the developer of regulators deals with necessary to execute complete calibration of vibration measuring channels (jointly with a primary transducer), including the limitations laid on by the possibilities of accessible facilities of creation of vibration with the controlled magnitudes of vibration acceleration and vibration frequency in the required ranges of measuring. There are described the workplaces organized in JSC "Element" at the methodical help of SE "Ukrmetrteststandard" for providing of complete calibration of vibration measuring channels in laboratory terms at the enterprise-manufacturer, including the workplace with the resonator, which was specially developed and made. There are brought the results over of development, making and uses of the resonator, which provides controlled vibrations with the extreme level of vibration acceleration – 400 g and more at the predetermined level of vibration frequency.There is shown the expediency of element wise measuring channels calibration with the use of imitators of sensors signals for serial producing of regulators. There is explained the necessity to organize workplaces for the realization of complete calibration on enterprise-developer of FADEC regulators, which provide verification results got with imitators.


aviation equipment component; measuring channel; vibration transducer; shaker


OST 1 00487-83. Otraslaslevaja Sistema obespechenija edinstva izmerenij. Metrologicheskoe obespechenie ispitanij gazoturbinnih dvigatelej. Metrologicheskaja attestacija izmeritelnih kanalov informasionno-izmeritelnih system. [Branch system of measurements unity guaranteeing. Metrological guaranteeing of tests gas-turbin engines. Metrological certification of measuring channels of information-measuring systems]. Moscow, Gosstandard USSR Publ., 1983. 19 p.

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