Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023. № 3 (47). P. 285—301



Original article

UDC 94(571.6)


Activity of the Amur Region administration in the letters of N. L. Gondatti to Chairpersons of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire, 1915—1916

Aleksandr N. Yakovlev, Postgraduate Student
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia,,



The article examines the letters of the Amur Governor-General Nikolay Lvovich Gondatti to the chairpersons of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire I. L. Goremykin and B. V. Sturmer. In his letters, the head of the region gave a brief analytical overview of the Amur Region in the conditions of the First World War. In parallel, the messages of N. L. Gondatti raise the main problems (assistance to refugees, families and children called up for war, the security of the Vladivostok seaport, communication routes and borders of the Far East, the fight against rising prices and shortage of goods, the supply of goods and food to the population) and state the accepted measures to address them, as well as proposals for the further development of local economy in wartime. Gondatti’s letters were one of the channels of communication between the central and regional authorities, which provided a prompt solution to the problems of the region, and the effective management system built by the chief commander of the region stood the test of time and lasted until the fall of the autocracy in 1917.


Amur Region, N. L. Gondatti, World War I, Council of Ministers, communication channel, central government, regional government.

For citation:

Yakovlev A. N. Activity of the Amur Region administration in the letters of N. L. Gondatti to Chairpersons of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire, 1915—1916. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2023, no. 3 (47), pp. 285—301. DOI:

The full text of the article PDF (Russian)



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