Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023. № 2(46). P. 22—32



Original article

UDC 582.572.226:581.522.4(571.14)


Tulipa urumiensis Stapf in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS

Lyudmila V. Gerasimovich, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Researcher
Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia,,


The article presents the results of phenological and morphometric studies of Tulipa urumiensis Stapf. In the conditions of the recipient region the plants successfully respond to changes in climate conditions, the number of morphological criteria correlated with eco-conditions is insignificant. The climatic dependence of the phenological cycle is within the normal range for tulip species. The flowering period is shortened by maximum temperatures that do not fall below plus 15 °C and an increase in temperatures at the beginning of the phase. Flowering is prolonged by low temperatures, not exceeding the limit of plus 10 °C and sharp temperature fluctuations in the first half of the phase. Fruiting is regular, seed renewal is successful, plants bloom in the fourth year of life. The species is recommended for spring gardening in the cities of Western Siberia.


Tulipa urumiensis, phenological spectrum, morphology, seed productivity, introduction.

Acknowledgments: The work was carried out within the framework of the project “Analysis of biodiversity, conservation and restoration of rare and resource plant species using experimental methods” (registration number АААА-А21-121011290025-2).

For citation:

Gerasimovich L. V. Tulipa urumiensis Stapf in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2023, no. 2 (46), pp. 22—32. DOI:

The full text of the article PDF (Russian)



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