Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2023. № 2(46). P. 6—21



Original article

UDC 581.9(571.12)


Adventitious flora of Tobolsk, Tyumen region

Venera R. Allayarova, Postgraduate Student
Tobolsk Complex Scientific Station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen region, Tobolsk,,


A summary of the adventitious flora of Tobolsk, Tyumen region, is presented as a result of the author’s research during 2019—2021. The studied flora includes 109 species of vascular plants belonging to 32 families and 83 genera. According to the drift method, most of the adventitious species are archaeophytes — 60 species, or 55%, kenophytes — 48 species, or 44%, eukenophytes — 1 species, or 0.9%. The main way adventitious species enter the urban flora is unintentional drift: xenophytes are represented by 90 species, which is 82.5% of the entire adventitious fraction. The plants drifted intentionally (ergasiophytes) are represented by 19 species (17.4%). According to the degree of naturalization, epecophytes prevail — 75 species, or 68.8%, agriophytes are represented by 15 species (13.7%), ephemerophytes — 9 species (8.2%), colonophytes — 10 species (9.1%). A comparative analysis of the adventitious flora with other Siberian cities was carried out.


Flora summary, adventitious species, ergasiophytes, xenophytes, agriophytes, epecophytes, colonophytes, ephemerophytes.

For citation:

Allayarova V. R. Adventitious flora of Tobolsk, Tyumen region. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2023, no. 2 (46), pp. 6—18. DOI:

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