Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2019. № 3(31). P. 11—25



UDC 581.9(571.1)

Kapitonova Olga Anatolyevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Tobolsk complex scientific station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences




Botanical studies conducted on the territory of the Tyumen region since the middle of the 18th century allow us to speak about fairly complete information accumulated about the vegetation cover of this territory. Nevertheless, annually new species are discovered that replenish the region’s flora, as well as new locations of vascular plant species rare to the region are revealed. This indicates the need for further floristic study of the region, including its inaccessible and poorly studied areas.
This article continues the author’s series of publications on floristic finds on the territory of the Tyumen Region. It reflects the results of studies conducted by the author in different parts of the region during the growing seasons of 2015—2018. Data are provided on new locations for 107 species of vascular plants, including 3 species protected in the region (Adenophora liliifolia, Botrychium virginianum, Peucedanum morisonii). For each species, the exact location and type of the ecotope are indicated. The data obtained significantly expand the information on the distribution of the discussed species of vascular plants within the considered territory. They are of great importance in environmental protection, as well as allow complementing the regional database of species that need protection in the region.

Key words

Flora, floristics records, vascular plants, rare and endangered plant species, protection of nature, Red Book, Western Siberia.


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Bibliography link to this article:

Kapitonova O. A. New locations of vascular plants in the Tyumen region (based on 2015—2018 materials). Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2019, no. 3 (31), pp. 11—25. DOI: