Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal. 2018. № 4(28). P. 311—323



UDC 378.1

Pak Lyubov Gennadyevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Orenburg State Pedagogical University




The article represents the results of the research devoted to the identification of bases for creativity development among students of higher educational institutions. It names the prerequisites for the development of the phenomenon caused by features of post-industrial society. The paper characterizes the educational process providing the development of students’ creativity (students as subjects of knowledge, communication and activity; creative environment — the environment with “creative charge” and psychological safety considering the value of each subject; realization of the ideas of creative production, i.e. strengthening of the creative beginning or activization of mental creative work of students, their innovative behavior and intellectual enrichment; training by action which expands knowledge and attitudes towards creativity in the context of the chosen profession). The author justifies new scientific results and suggests the introduction of a new practical subject “The creative personality in education” with the integrated blocks “Knowledge”, “Communication”, “Self-knowledge” into the curriculum. The forming experiment helped to choose the most effective creative forms and methods to set the optimal stage of creativity development in higher educational institution.

Key words

Creativity, educational process, higher educational institution, students, creative abilities, creative thinking, creativity practical work.


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Pak L. G. Development of creativity of students in higher educational institutions. Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2018, no. 4 (28), pp. 311—323. DOI: