Assessment of the Activity of Banking Institutions Under Martial Law as a Component of the Banking Control System

Olena Magopets, Olena Kulish

About the Authors

Olena Magopets, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Auditing, Accounting and Taxation, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:

Olena Kulish, Postgraduate, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine


The purpose of this study is to assess the current state of activity and peculiarities of the functioning of banking institutions of Ukraine under martial law and to determine the place and role of such an assessment in the system of monitoring the activity of banking institutions. The authors provide an approach to understanding the essence of the banking control system. The authors understand the banking control system as a set of rules, procedures, legislative regulations and institutions that provide supervision, regulation and assessment of banks' activities. The place and role of assessment of banking institutions' activity in the control system is substantiated. In order to evaluate the activity of banking institutions in the conditions of martial law, the peculiarities of the functioning of the banking system of Ukraine were revealed, its components, participants (National Bank of Ukraine, commercial banks, non-banking financial institutions, stock exchange, clients) were determined and their characteristics were provided. The consequences for the banking system caused by the war and the changes that the war led to are substantiated: bank closures, loss of assets, reduced trust in banking institutions, increased risk, change in business priorities and work in difficult conditions, restructuring and support. The trends of changes in the main indicators in terms of which the activity of banking institutions was evaluated were clarified, namely: the number of operating banking institutions, the profitability of assets and capital of banks, the amount of net assets of banks according to the profitability of capital, the share of non-performing loans in the portfolios of banks, the amount of total assets of Ukrainian commercial enterprises banks, and reasonably obtained results. It has been established that to date, banking institutions have managed to adapt to work under martial law. Despite the decrease in the number of commercial banks, indicators of profitability of assets and capital of the banking sector are gradually increasing, there is a sufficient level of capitalization and liquidity, an active credit policy is being pursued, and indicators of funding from the population and business are increasing. Currently, banking institutions effectively perform their functions and support the efficiency of the national economy. The main tools, the use of which will help ensure the further stable functioning of the banking system in modern conditions, have been identified. Such instruments are: financial support of banking institutions from the Government; regulatory measures of the National Bank of Ukraine aimed at ensuring the stability of the banking system; effective communication between banks, regulatory authorities, clients and the public; measures to stimulate the economy; regular monitoring and control of the state of the banking system.


banking system, banks, banking institutions, National Bank, control, control system, discount rate, interest income and expenses, return on assets, return on capital

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Copyright (c) 2023 Olena Magopets, Olena Kulish