Online ISSN : 2434-8562
Print ISSN : 1343-7186
戦後の研修政策と自主的・主体的 研修活性化のための課題
教特法第22条2 項の解釈・運用を中心に
久保 富三夫
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 31 巻 p. 8-18


This study summarizes the history of the policies for teachers’ study and self-improvement in Post-war Japan and considers issues to realize voluntary and independent study and selfimprovement suitable for professional teachers. The focus is on consideration from the viewpoint of the system and operation of the opportunities guaranteed by the clauses of study and self-improvement (currently Articles 21 and 22) of the Law for the Special Regulations concerning Educational Public Service. Particular attention is paid to Article 22(2). Legislators had the following four intentions regarding the Law for the Special Regulations. First, it was enacted as “provisions for the advocacy of teachers” or “provisions for the protection of educational public servants.” Second, study and self-improvement were both an obligation and a right. Third, in the case where teachers themselves strive for study and self-improvement and in the case of those provided with opportunities from the administrative authorities, they were located as the accomplishment of duties in both cases. Fourth, “freedom of study and selfimprovement” was basically guaranteed. After the local education administration law was promulgated and enforced in 1956, the control aspect of the policies for the aforementioned was rapidly strengthened. In the 21st century, voluntary and independent study and self-improvement have been further in decline. There are four issues to be improved. First, it is necessary for teachers themselves to consciously and proactively apply for study and self-improvement leaving their place of service. Second, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) should return to the legislative purpose of the clause to encourage and support the voluntary and independent study and self-improvement of teachers, and amend the June 2019 notice. Third, while emphasizing “passion for the teaching profession” and “comprehensive human power,” it is necessary to change the actual situation in which there are no support measures for “selfimprovement” actions to acquire it. Fourth, the guarantee of “freedom of study and selfimprovement” is another important pillar of improving the environment for study and selfimprovement as well as addressing the issues of long hours and overcrowding work.

© 日本教師教育学会
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